Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Honeymoon Is Over

All along, I have been waxing poetic about how wonderfully adjusted Dylan is to being home. I've mentioned how he just doesn't get cranky, how he sleeps soundly and how he is simply the best behaved baby to ever grace this planet.

Yeah... not so much, anymore.

It seems that Dylan may have hit a bit of a growth spurt. Instead of taking his usual 4oz every 4 hours or so, he has graduated to 4oz every 2-3 hours. And when he isn't eating, he is pooping. if he isn't eating or pooping, he is trying to decide which of those two he is going to do. I can hear all the snickers from all of the folks who are parents... yes, we were warned.

But geez... this little guy is giving us a run for our money. I'm writing this after having gotten exactly 1 hour of sleep last night. Yeah, I thought it would be the nice thing to try and let Barbara get some sleep, so I volunteered to take the late feeding and the early one- thinking all along that I could get about 4 hours of sleep in between, and then go right back to bed afterwards for some more. Dylan had different plans though. From around 2am or so, until around 6am, he was either eating, pooping or fussing. He even managed to sleep a bit in my arms. Of course, if I tried to put him in his bassinette, he was wide awake and crying less than a minute later.

But... I survived the night. A lack of sleep isn't something new to me, but it's no fun either.

I'll let you all know how things go in my next post, Wednesday.

Until then...

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