Sunday, September 14, 2008

Keeping you up to date...

Hello again!

Our plans changed again last week, as it seems they are doing with some regularity since Dylan was born- even before he was born.

We canceled his consult about the herniated umbilical cord. It just didn't make sense to drive all the way into Gainseville and to wait at least an hour to see the doctor, for something that we aren't really all that concerned about anymore. In fact, the bulb where his belly button should be has actually gotten quite a bit smaller recently. We'll continue to keep an eye on it, and we'll definitely ask his new pediatrician about it as well.

Which brings me to my next point- We canceled his pediatrician appointment also. Neither Barbara nor I were impressed with the pediatrician we selected. The fact that she works as the only doctor in her office, the fact that she seemed to not have time to answer questions, listen to concerns, among other things, all led to us finding him another doctor. His first appointment with them will be Oct 1.

What we did not cancel, however, was his NICU reunion. We were happy to head to Gainseville for that. Dylan was quite impressed with things. He got to see Elaine and Judah, his physical therapist and social worker from the NICU, also a couple of the nurses who took care of him and Doctor Baines and her daughter as well. He even got to meet his first celebrity. Mother Goose was there, signing some books for the children. We made sure Dylan got an autographed copy. It was nice to see the familiar faces and talk to some other NICU parents about our shared experience there. Dylan was a big hit with everyone who saw him. Those that new him from the NICU were all amazed at how much bigger he has gotten and how bright his eyes are and how they light up when he smiles. It was a good time for all.

Keep your eyes on the blog for a special poll to be held in the first or second week of October. It seems that we are having a very difficult time deciding what costume Dylan will wear for Halloween. We'll be posting pictures of Dylan in each of the four possibilities for you to vote on to help us make our selection.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could have come to the reunion, but unfortunately I had to work the Friday night before and that Saturday night :(