Friday, June 6, 2008

Progress Report

Back from the NICU yet agin, with all of the latest news about the world's cutest baby...


Weight: 1575 grams or 3 lbs, 8 oz
Feedings: 30 cc breastmilk

Changes: PICC line removed
All IVs discontinued
Began receiving supplemental vitamins mixed with breastmilk, 1/2 cc 2 x daily

So there you have "Dylan by Numbers".

He's really doing well, as I guess you can tell from the large increase in his feedings and the fact that he is completely off of any IVs. He doesn't have any holes in him now that he didn't come with from the factory.

This is actually great news for Barb and I, as now that he no loner has the PICC line, we can pick him up at any time, without needing a nurses supervision. Previously, because the PICC line does run fairly close to his heart, he could only be picked up with supervision, to make sure the line didn't move, causing a potentially dangerous situation. Now, we can take a look at his situation, and pick him up if we see fit.

Now, this doesn't mean that we're going to pick him up every 5 minutes, though. For instance, this evening when we arrived, he had just been fed, changed and tucked back into bed. Shift change was coming in 45 minutes. We weren't going to rouse him from sleep just to have to put him back down again in such a short period of time. Instead, we waited until after shift change, when Barbara was able to kangaroo for over an hour, and then she handed him off to me for some more kangaroo time. I don't know... with all of this kangaroo care, he may wind up with an Australian accent.

Sorry this is so short, but it's the late end of a long day. If you have any questions, feel free to click the link directly below the post marked "comments".

Until next time...

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