Wednesday, May 28, 2008

FAQ and more Details...

Frequently Asked Questions:

Since so many family members have been asking, I thought this would be a great place to answer a few questions:

YES, the baby shower is still on. Who knows, maybe Dylan will even be there, although I doubt it.

And to answer another frequently asked question, Barbara is registered at "Baby's R Us".

No, we don't know exactly when Dylan will be able to come home. It all depends on how soon he can feed from either a bottle or breast, and how soon he can maintain his body temperature.

Making Progress:

Also, Barb and I are just back from the NICU, where we were very pleased to learn that Dylan has finaly exceeded his birth weight, gaining another ounce to hit 3 lbs, 4 oz! He is also up to 11cc of mother's milk at each feeding, up from 9cc at our last visit. This kind of progress is very encouraging. We can only hope that he keeps it up and is able to come home with us soon.

They Do the Darndest Things:

I thought I would relate this little story as told to me by Barb's mom. Apparently, while the nurse was changing Dylan's diaper, he had a surprise in store for her. It seems that he had made quite a mess in his diaper, certainly nothing out of the ordinary, even for a little guy like he is.

But just when the nurse thought it was safe to take the diaper off, Dylan unloaded again, this time right into the clean diaper. Two diapers and several wipes later, what should have been a routine diaper change was finally finished.

I guess I really am amused by the simplest things... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are too cute. Congrats!!
Love, your ffavorite cousin Jen