This entry's title kind of says it all... Dylan weighed in at 4 lbs, 1 oz tonight! Breaking the 4 lb milestone is a big deal to Barb and I. It's very encouraging to see him growing at such a healthy rate.
His feedings are up to 34 cc each also.

Even better is his overall disposition. Since Friday afternoon, Dylan has been kind of sleepy and tired throughout our entire visits, having somewhat steady problems with his O2 saturation and heart rate, and he has been very susceptible to any kinds of stress- be it from handling, feeding, lights... whatever.
Well, last night and tonight have been a complete reversal of those trends. Last night, I was able to kangaroo with Dylan for over 2 hours, during which he had no desats, no bradychardias and no apneas. He tolerated his feeding well, while on my chest and he was alert and playful through a large portion of my time with him. Tonight, Barbara had the same results in her 1 1/2 hour with him. His eyes were open for the majority of the visit, he was swinging his arms about, making faces and just generally seeming to be very comfortable. Again, he had no desats or bradys or apneas. We're both so happy to be able to hold him again. Although it was only one night where he was so stressed that we could not handle him, it was more than either of us would like to deal with again.

As for the enlarged ventricles and the progress there... well, there is no progress, and that's sort of a good thing. He won't have a repeat ultrasound until Thursday, so the only news we could bring you about it at this point would be if things got worse, and they certainly have not. There was a 1/2 cm difference in his head circumference today, but that can easily be attributed to human error in the measurement (measuring in a different place) growth, or a combination of the two. He may even have a bit of swelling from the hydrocephalus, but he remians asymptomatic, so there really is nothing to be done there. All in all, the whole hydrocephalus thing is status quo, and I'll take that over getting worse, any day.

1 comment:
Wow! That's great. What a big boy he is getting to be.
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