Monday, August 18, 2008

Steady as he goes

Things have been going along steadily here for Dylan, and there really hasn't been much to report. We weighed him today, and he is a whopping 11 lbs, 8oz. He's also around 23 or 24 inches long.

Food is still his best friend, and he is eating well and often. He is eating enough at night though to almost make it through the entire night without waking. His schedule usually works out in such a way that his late feeding falls somewhere around Midnight or 1 am and he eats again around 5 or 6 am. That's long enough that if Barb and I split those two feedings, we both get a full night's sleep.

His next doctor's appointment is this coming Wednesday. He will be seeing a neurologist for a follow up on his ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus. His last MRI was very encouraging, and we hope to have confirmation of that on Wednesday. Either way, we'll report back with any developements from that appointment.

Other than that, there really hasn't been much of anything going on. At his age, there's not much to talk about. He eats, he poops, he plays and he sleeps. There's really not much else to it. With that in mind, I've decided to only update the blog once a week. The exact day will probably be on Sundays, but I'm not entirely positive about that. Of course, if there is anything important that comes up, I'll be sure to post about it here regardless of the day, but seeing as how things are very much the same day and in and day out, I don't see much point in boring you the reader with any more of it than is necessary.

So anyway, that's it for now.

1 comment:

Adele Sweeney said...

Hi, just wanted to say please, please keep your blog updated...

My daughter is due shortly, but has ventriculomegaly/hydrocephalus and I belong to a forum where many mums are desperate to know about 'outcomes'. The research is so vague and we are keen to know how babies get on once they are with us.

All the best with Dylan, I'm off to read the rest of your blog now and will add it to our site:
