How did nine months pass by so quickly? And how did my little boy get so big, so fast?
It sure seems hard to believe that Dylan is 9 months old already. And boy, how things have changed. Heck a lot has changed even since my last post here.
When I last posted, Dylan had just started to cut his first tooth. Well, not very long after that, his second tooth came in, right next to the first one.

It may be hard to see, but there are two little teeth hanging out there at the bottom of his mouth.
Dylan is also learning to sit quite well. He can't quite reach a sitting position without either pulling himself up or by getting some help from Barbara or I, but once he is sitting, he can balance himself really well. He usually braces himself with one arm, but just over the course of the last two days or so, he has started staying upright without using his hands at all. He's loving that, because it gives him both hands to play with whatever toy you may have nearby.

Dylan has also been growing quite fast, as I'm sure you can see from the pictures. So fast, in fact, that he has outgrown his original infant car-seat and graduated to the next size.

Our little boy is also coming very close to getting out his first words. He has recently started babbling da-da-da-ba-ba-ba for long stretches. We even think he may have gotten out a few ma-ma-ma's. I think it's going to sooner rather than later that he fires off a da-da or ma-ma and actually means what he says.
Anyway, that's about all I have time for right now. As things change, I'll be sure to post here about them, at the first chance I have.